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The Oasis Miracle in Israel, the "Kingdom of the Desert"

Release time:2024-03-04

For more than 2,000 long years, the Jewish people wandered around without land of their own, and many European countries in the Middle Ages even explicitly prohibited Jews from practicing agriculture and owning their own land ......

Later, the only state in the world with a predominantly Jewish population was established.

But how can they exercise their precious right to farm when the desert is all around them?


Resource-weak country

"No food, no independence!"

At the beginning of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the people of Israel cried out such a resounding slogan. After all, a land of more than 20,000 square kilometers carries three meals a day for 8 million Jews.

However, what makes people ponder is that 70% of this country is a reckless desert with no grass, with an average annual precipitation of only 200 millimeters and an annual evaporation of up to 2,500 millimeters ......


across the Negev Desert in the south of Israel, accounting for more than half of Israel's land area of limited arable land, lack of water, serious desertification, constituting the basic conditions of Israel's agriculture. However, after more than a thousand years of displacement, the Israelis will not easily give up the return of the free body, they set their sights on the upper reaches of the Jordan River freshwater lakes - an area of 166 square kilometers, water storage capacity of 4.24 billion cubic meters of Lake Tiberias.


Lake Tiberias in the Upper Jordan River Becomes Israel's Source of Life

In order to fully utilize its effectiveness, Israel began construction of water diversion pipelines in the 1950s. Through the construction of 440 kilometers of reinforced concrete water diversion pipelines with a diameter of 2.74 metres, Israel has built an underground water network covering 60 per cent of the country, and has completed the national project of "north-south water transfer" by pumping the water of Lake Tiberias to a height of 360 metres, taking advantage of the terrain of the northern highlands and the southern lowlands to divert a total of 990 million cubic metres of water annually.


Israel's topography, high in the north and low in the south

In addition to the "north-south water transfer" project, desalination technology has also brought a considerable amount of water to Israel - there are more than 200 water technology companies throughout Israel, through reverse osmosis purification technology, within 90 minutes of the Mediterranean Sea salty water into fresh water that can be directly consumed.


Desalination plants all over the seashore

Water diversion projects + desalination have saved the people of Israel from having to worry about water for domestic use. But these are still a drop in the bucket for agricultural production, which uses huge amounts of water ......

Country with strong facilities

In the 1940s, a large tree that "didn't need watering" gave the people of Israel an adrenaline rush. While the whole country was immersed in this "miracle", a man named Blas realized that the tree was nourished by a leaky pipe buried in the ground. water leaking from a pipe buried in the ground, thus moisturizing the tree. Inspired by the Blas invented modern drip irrigation technology, opened up Israel's facility agriculture rocketing road, and he, too, is known as Israel's "father of water resources".


In the watering mode of traditional agriculture, 85% of the water is not absorbed by the crop but evaporated for nothing. Through drip irrigation, water and nutrients needed for crop growth can be delivered evenly and accurately in smaller flow rates directly to the soil surface or layer near the crop roots, dramatically increasing the water utilization rate to more than 95%.


In the soilless greenhouse, computer micro-irrigation technology to agricultural irrigation given a new concept, agricultural experts according to meteorological conditions, soil moisture content, crop water requirements and other parameters programmed, the system will be able to timely and appropriate amount of slow and uniform water containing fertilizer, medicine to the plant root system or sprayed on the stems and leaves, not only than the ordinary facilities for planting to save 30%-40% of the water, fertilizer. At the same time micro-drip irrigation precision fertilization also allows agricultural products to significantly increase yields. Israel's facility horticulture cotton, citrus, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and other yields are among the world's highest, tomatoes, bell peppers per hectare per season as high as 85-100 tons!


Monitoring system can track the amount of water, soil moisture, soil temperature and other data obtained by the plant, used to indicate the health of the greenhouse and how to improve its performance, in the general impression, drip irrigation is the deployment of a large number of punched with tiny holes in the pipeline of a more water-saving watering, but the Israelis have taken it to the extreme.

Take a simple nozzle as an example - first, it is controlled by a computer, based on the soil data transmitted back from the sensor to decide when to water, watering more or less, in order to ensure that the needs of crop growth at the same time to eliminate the waste of water; second, in order to prevent the root growth of crops clogging the nozzle, the nozzle around the spray hole is precisely coated with a specialized agent, the surrounding a very small area of the root growth of the inhibition of growth; once again, in order to prevent the spraying of water when the soil is trapped and clogging of the nozzles, the nozzle spraying system parallel to the layout of the system with an aerator system, the immediate inflation of the anti-clogging after the completion of the irrigation ......


A seemingly simple nozzle but a lot of high-tech, so that Israel's drip irrigation technology to the world Efficient irrigation systems are the most distinctive feature of Israel's horticultural facilities, with micro-drip irrigation piping systems throughout the country's major agricultural production areas, and drip irrigation applied to more than 60 per cent of farmland and 100 per cent of orchards, green areas and vegetable cultivation.


Drip irrigation technology is also used in urban greening, making towns and cities green and tree-covered, and turning deserts into oases.

After the birth of the dripper technology, the total volume of water used in Israeli agriculture has remained stable at 1.3 billion cubic meters for 30 years, while agricultural output has increased by up to five times, enabling Israel not only to achieve complete self-sufficiency, but also exported in large quantities to Europe, North America, and even to the Far East, with an annual profit of up to $150 million from exports!


Deeper into the Negev Desert, the bloom of drip irrigation technology can be seen everywhere


The high quality of facility-based agriculture has allowed Israeli agricultural products to enter international markets, such as the European Union, where the highest quality standards are practiced.


According to 2008 data, Israel's food self-sufficiency rate reached 95% (our self-sufficiency rate is still less than 90%)Israel's founding president, Weizmann, famously said, "If you give us a bowl of water and a seed, this nation will survive!"What gives Weizmann the backbone and confidence is undoubtedly Israel's highly developed, world-leading agriculture.


After generations of transformation, Israel is no longer the barren wilderness it was more than a hundred years ago, and through hard work and ingenuity, they have harvested their own "Promised Land" flowing with milk and honey.

Through the integrated application of water-fertilizer integrated system, arrow-plug drip irrigation system, and water-fertilizer recycling and disinfection reuse system, AgriGarden is actively learning and promoting Israel's world-leading water-saving technology and agricultural production experience, and incubating these advanced technologies with actual projects, so as to provide strong support for the sustainable development of China's facility-based agriculture, and to safeguard the health of the dinner table and the quality of life of the Chinese people!
